A package is a collection of the sort of things you’d place into BBEdit’s application support folder to extend BBEdit, such as clippings, scripts, language modules, and text filters; but makes it easier to install such items when they are all related to a single type of task, rather than having to manually install and manage items spread out between different folders.
Creating packages HowTOs, Tips and Tricks
User-created packages (alphabetical order)
- Analysis: for R, Stata, Mplus work in BBEdit
- Apache Avro / IDL
- (Twitter) Bootstrap 3. See also: Bootstrap
- Better Tongs Scripts and text-filters that aim to substantially improve your movement and selection abilities when writing prose in BBEdit.
- Coffeescript A package for Coffeescript
- Dash A package for using Dash (in particular creating cheatsheets / docsets)
- Django A package for Django (Python) development
- EditorActions Duplicate/Move Lines, smart indenting and more
- Elixer Tools for the Erlang based functional language Elixir
- Email Tools for writing email inside of BBEdit
- Git A package to make using Git with BBEdit easier
- Go A package for Go(lang) development
- Groovy A package for Groovy development
- HTML Write HTML in BBEdit? Useful tools in this package
- LaTeX LaTeX tools and utilities for BBEdit
- Markdown BBEdit Markdown extension package: scripts and text filters for transforming to and from HTML and a couple helper functions for lists and link references.
- Opinionated Package
- Monkey Package with useful tools for the Monkey programming language
- Pandoc Scripts to make working with Pandoc
- Puppet Syntax highlighting, code folding, and resource clippings for Puppet
- R Scripts and things for working with the R statistical computing tool
- Ryan’s Ruby on Rails package Write Ruby on Rails in BBEdit? Take a look at this package.
- (All) Source Code languages Useful utilities for programming, no matter what language.
- WordPress Package For posting to a WordPress blog. Also a series of blog entries: one two three
- Zend Framework A collection of scripts, clippings, etc. for people working on Zend Framework projects.